Next-Generation Cards 2019

Novotel Singapore Clarke Quay | 15-16 October, 2019



APSCA will hold the   3rd Next-Generation Cards conference  and exposition  in Singapore on 15-16 October 2019. Since 2017 this pioneering industry event has been the focal point for disruptive innovations in the payment and identity cards business. Next-Generation Cards 2019 is a unique channel for cards solutions providers to communicate and demonstrate:

· Next-generation card solutions for card issuers and schemes
· New card supply chain developments for industry partners

The conference covers the status of a new era of the card business. A technology exposition will showcase companies that are delivering the next evolution of card solutions and highlight their benefits for schemes and issuers.




The Growing Cards Business
Despite mobile payments excitement, cards continue to dominate consumer payments outside of China. Global payment card issuance continues to grow and the number of payment cards in circulation is predicted to rise to 17 billion1 by 2022, with card acceptance increasing by 40% to 85M merchant outlets2 by 2022, more than half of these in Asia Pacific. Global card expenditure is forecast3 to grow at an average of 10% per year between 2017 and 2023

The Asian Cards Opportunity
India is leading Asia’s payment card market growth and South-East Asian markets have significant opportunities for payment card growth, even as both regions continue to adopt mobile payments. Migration to contactless payment cards, new cardholders in developing markets, new fintech issuers and co-branding partners and automated fare collection in transit are driving factors. Latest EMVCo figures4 confirm that Asia remains the biggest opportunity in the global card market.

Digital Card Solutions
The Next-Generation Cards conference explores the transition from legacy commoditised card products towards payment and identity card solutions. Next-generation cards are interactive devices that offer stronger security, greater convenience and new functionality, such as connectivity, to provide a more complimentary fit within the digital world that customers are already embracing through their mobile devices and the Internet of things.

Adding Value
The development of next-generation card solutions is adding value to the traditional payment and identity card business. Card products with greater security, more convenience and exciting new features create differentiated products that attract cardholders and benefit issuers. The increased value proposition justifies higher average selling prices (ASPs) for the card industry, reducing downward pressure on margins typical of legacy chip card products.

Discover New Opportunities
Next-generation card products are being developed to reduce fraud in online commerce and Internet banking, to improve customer authentication and transaction verification, and to provide new levels of customer experience and convenience in payment and identity applications. Next-Generation Cards 2019 will explore new opportunities for these next-generation card products for consumers and citizens; for payment schemes and identity systems; for issuers from the private and public sector; and for all industry players in the card manufacturing ecosystem.

Why Attend

Next-generation cards integrate new technologies, components and flexible electronic subsystems into standard card form factors designed for consumer payment and identity applications. They provide significant functionality beyond that of EMV chip and contactless cards used in payment and banking transactions today, and beyond the chip-based identity documents used in government applications.

Next-generation cards can support on-card displays and LED indicators providing information to the customer, keypads or control buttons through which the customer can interact with a card and its payment or identity application, on-card biometric sensors and more. Next-generation cards can also support connectivity enabling customers to manage their payment and identity card products through other devices such as smartphones.


Topics to be discussed:


Who Should Attend

APSCA is inviting leaders from financial institutions, government, systems integrators and the payment and identity card supply chain from around the world to attend Next-Generation Cards 2019.


Any of the following should attend:
- Payment card and bank card issuers
- Issuers of secure identity documents
- Domestic and international payment card schemes
- Manufacturers of next generation payment cards and identity documents
- Production and personalisation equipment suppliers for next-generation cards
- Suppliers of components and devices to be integrated into next-generation cards

Gold Sponsors



Mounisse Chadli
Business Development Manager, APSCA
+86 156 1879 0417